
by SocialTown



It is an easy-to-use app with crispy movements that makes it easy to find friends, find hobbies, talk to kill time, and talk about problems that are difficult to talk about in real life. There is no charge for both men and women [completely free]!

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●気の合う友達や趣味仲間をみつけて、生活を潤わせよう!周りに気の合う仲間や、同じ趣味の人がいなくて、日常が寂しく感じる事はありませんか?リアルでのコミュニケーションが苦手のせいで、友達を作りにくいと感じた事はありませんか?このアプリを使うと、友達や仲間を探してワクワクするコミュニケーションが体験できます!●操作が分かりやすく、アプリの動作が軽い!画面は明快で使い方も簡単、スマホ操作が苦手の方でも迷わず使えます!動作が全体的に高速で、特にチャットは非常に軽快です!プッシュ通知にも対応しており(オフも可)、受信メッセージに直ぐに返信できます!●使い方は簡単!性別、年齢、住んでいる場所での検索はもちろん、フリーキーワードを使った検索もできるので、趣味や興味の近い友達や仲間をみつける事ができます。友達になってみたい方が見つかったら、友達リクエストを送って友達になりましょう。自分の写真をアップロードしたり、一言メッセージを入力したり、親しみやすい自己紹介を入力すれば、友達ができやすくなります。また、初めてプロフィールを書いた直後は、自動的に何人かに挨拶リクエストするので(取消せます)、暇つぶしトークを楽しみたい方にも最適です。友達になったらチャットや写真を共有して楽しみましょう。ラフなコミュニケーションを楽しんだり、趣味の話で盛り上がったり、悩み相談したりと、楽しみ方はいろいろ。友達をたくさん増やすもよし、少ない友達とのコミュニケーションを大事にするもよし、自分なりのスタイルで使うことができます。●【完全無料】アプリ内課金は一切なく、完全無料で利用できます。チャット数の制限もありません。快適なコミュニケーションをお楽しみください。注意事項本サービスでは「違法な内容に関する投稿」はもちろんの事、「性的な内容の投稿」「異性との出会いに関する投稿」は一切禁止となっております。随時パトロールを行っており、本サービスの規約に違反したユーザーは強制退会措置となりますので、くれぐれもルールを守ってお使い下さい。● Find friends and hobbyists you like and enrich your life!Do you feel lonely in your daily life because you dont have friends or people with the same hobbies around you?Have you ever found it difficult to make friends because you are not good at communicating in real life?With this app, you can experience exciting communication by finding friends and friends!● The operation is easy to understand and the operation of the app is light!The screen is clear and easy to use, so even those who are not good at smartphone operation can use it without hesitation!The overall operation is fast, especially chatting is very nimble!It also supports push notifications (can be turned off), so you can reply to incoming messages immediately!● Easy to use!You can search by gender, age, and place of residence, as well as by using free keywords, so you can find friends and colleagues who have similar hobbies and interests.If you find someone you want to be friends with, send a friend request and become friends.Upload your own photos, enter a word of mouth, or enter a friendly self-introduction to make friends easier.Also, immediately after writing your profile for the first time, you can automatically request greetings from some people (cancellation), so it is ideal for those who want to enjoy time-killing talk.Chat and share photos when you become friends.There are various ways to enjoy it, such as enjoying rough communication, getting excited about hobbies, and discussing worries.You can make more friends, value communication with few friends, and use it in your own style.● [Completely free]There is no in-app purchase and it is completely free to use. There is no limit on the number of chats. Please enjoy comfortable communication.PrecautionsIn this service, not only "posting about illegal content" but also "posting about sexual content" and "posting about encounter with the opposite sex" are prohibited at all.We patrol from time to time, and users who violate the terms of this service will be forcibly withdrawn, so please follow the rules.(2022.1.12)・GooglePlayポリシーへの準拠(タイトルの変更等)・Android12への対応。※Android4.4未満は非対応となりました。

Read trusted reviews from application customers

At least, it's a real world

Jason Soung


Rickie Khokhar


Saqib Saeed




Cool Boy

just i have started using this app. Hopefully it would be useful to have a friendly chat...

Ali Hossain



Great for finding people in your local area to chat with.

Quentin Hope


Anuwat Dechvijankit


A Google user